15 Funniest Memes That All MTG Players Will Laugh At

The funniest memes on MTG that pokes fun that everything love to hate in magic the gathering.

15 Funniest Memes That All MTG Players Will Laugh At

Everyone could use a laugh, even if a joke can be cruel satire. In Magic: the Gathering, a game with 30 years of history, you can say there are some less than savoury aspects of the game that players gripe about. We look at 30 of the funniest memes out there that poke fun at MTG, and also explain why it deserves a place in this hall of fame.

Meme: Building vs Playing a Deck

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Isn’t this reflective of life and the plans we make? The same goes for building your next hot-theme Commander deck that you are looking forward to bringing to your local game store and expecting all the right cards to show up. This meme really hits the spot on how our inner selves are like as we build or play our favourite MTG decks.

Meme: Jaded MTG Veterans

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Every MTG player knows how they first got into the game, ripping open their first packs of cards, trading with friends, and maybe even playing on the hard, stone-cold floor after school. As years ago by, we see the uglier sides of the game, and become jaded card pushers that can’t rediscover that joy we once had.

Meme: Uno Basic Lands in Magic

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: With Secret Lair releases printing more and more unconventional artwork that seriously pushes the boundaries of what is expected on a Magic card, this meme pokes fun at what players might see in the future – Basic Lands styled like an Uno card. While this will never happen (then again..), this perfectly encapsulates how much MTG cards have changed in such a short amount of time.

Meme: Seeing the Price of the Card That You Wanted Has Gone Up

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: If you’re like us and like to snag a good deal but have always been hesitant to pull the “buy” trigger, then you understand how this boy feels when you see that card has gone up significantly in price. This could be due to an overnight shift in demand, as a sleeper card gets highlighted by influencers or does well in a tournament. It’s frustrating as the only thing you can do is either buy the card at inflated prices, or just wait it out and see if it drops. Either way, it’s painful humour.

Meme: Everyone Remembers Who Attacked You

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: In a Commander game where there are multiple options on who to attack, players can take it rather personally when they’re the only one being attacked. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 1/1 or 10/10 – being attacked doesn’t feel good, hence the sense of being “scarred and deformed”.

Meme: Overlooking the Quiet Player in Commander

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Another quirk about Commander is the politics and strategy around the table. For example, one common scenario in casual Commander games when one player goes unnoticed while another one starts taking out the other two players. When it’s down to last two, the aggressor realises that the unnoticed player is too far ahead on board state. The unnoticed player swings in for the surprise win.

Meme: Becoming the Sacrificial Player in Draft Games

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: In MTG, Draft and Sealed games generally require 8 players to form a group. When there is a person short, it’s a case of so near yet so far. The game doesn’t fire off, and the players are disappointed. While you could step in to fill the pod, you could also end up being the biggest loser, bowing out with 0 wins and the worst prize payout on offer. Try not to be that guy.

Meme: How to Respond to Rhystic Study

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: One of the most hated things to hear in a Commander game where a player has a Rhystic Study is “will you pay the one [mana for Rhystic Study]?” Often this comes with an interminable pause or a quick yes or no, but this meme provides a new tongue-in-cheek way to respond, and perhaps keep the peace among the group.

Meme: cEDH Games are Fast, and the Players Love It

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: cEDH (also known as competitive Commander) games tend to be fast, as players bring the most optimised decks and use the game’s most powerful cards. Most win by combos that result in an instant win, so it’s no surprise that players lose in a few turns. They appreciate the fast games, so most aren’t going to complain. In fact, they’re already looking forward to the next game.

Meme: The Gambling Nature of Opening Booster Packs

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Many players open booster packs for its randomness and the thrill of pulling a chase card out of it. They’d then sell the valuable cards for a nice return, often more than the cost of a pack. However when that itch becomes an unending quest of buying and opening booster packs, that’s when things become dangerous. It’s a serious topic, which this meme does well in addressing.

Meme: Spending on Random Packs Rather Than Single Cards

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Talking about the randomness of packs, players would rather spend more money on packs that don’t guarantee a specific card, rather than spending less and getting the exact cards that they need. Seeking the thrill of striking big is human nature, and this meme does a great job in making a joke out of it.

Meme: The True Cost of Playing MTG Cards

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: While the original meme was meant to be a menacing reminder of some of life’s vices, this meme actually turns things around and makes light heart of the true casting cost of Magic cards. In the case of Ghalta, Primal Hunger, it may seem like a very expensive Creature to cast (at 12 Mana), but in truth you could cast it for as low as 2 green Mana.

Meme: “In Response” is the Ultimate Punch to the Face

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: When playing Magic: the Gathering, you’ll soon come to find out about the Stack, which players can use to cast spells or activate abilities “in response” to your own actions. It’s become a dreaded phrase that no player wants to hear, especially when you’re on the verge of winning. It really hurts like a knockout punch to the face.

Meme: We Work to Buy MTG Cards

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: The general population doesn’t want to go to work, but since MTG can be a rather expensive hobby, it actually becomes motivation to the one thing you don’t want to. Magic cards may be expensive, but ironically they’re keeping player willingly employed.

Meme: The Worst Card You can Draw from the Top Deck

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: Magic: the Gathering relies on Lands to cast spells, so Lands are indeed very important in the game. However when it’s late in the game and each player is battling for the last few points of damage, you really want to be drawing (aka top deck) your best spells. When you hope for so much and draw that Land, it’s quite a hoot.

Meme: MTG Players Can Have a Normal Life

16 of the funniest MTG memes that every magic the gathering player will understand.

Why it’s funny: In the early days of the game, MTG was often dismissed as a niche game that only certain geeks would play. That came with a stereotype that us players could not socialise or even be a functioning adult in society. Having little one-pieces or t-shirts with these kind of statements is a funny and bold statement that MTG players are human too and can have very normal lives.

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Do you have a meme that you think deserves to be here? Send it to us and we’ll see if it makes us laugh!

After playing from Tempest to Urza's Saga block, Ted took a 20 year break from the game before returning to the classic Plane of Dominaria in 2018. His favourite formats are Commander, Draft, and, grudgingly, Standard.
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