Learn from 25 years of Magic buying and collecting experience, and take away these 3 perennial tips that will be useful whether you’re a new or seasoned player.
3, 4, or 5? Figuring the Best Number of Players for Commander
Can’t get your group to decide on number of players? 4 is often a good mix and balance of power and politics, but not hold back to try 3 or 5+ Commander games.
Here’s Why Commander is the Most Popular Format in MTG
Everyone from new players to 20-year veterans are playing Commander. What makes this casual-only format so popular? Let’s go back to the game’s roots.
Playing the Unplayable Commander: Phage the Untouchable
Playing the Unplayable is a new column featuring Commanders that seem impossible to run. Can Phage the Untouchable come out as a winner?