Your turn winds down with the End Step, where certain effects wear off, including damage to your Creatures, and most importantly to discard down to Hand Size.
7 Disgusting Trends And The Ugly Side of Collecting MTG
In the world of collecting MTG, there are multiple trading avenues. There are legit ones, and also plenty of shady deals, fake cards, repackaging, and scams.
Magic Basics: Commander/EDH Format for Casual, Multiplayer Fun
You pick 1 card to be your Commander. This card must be a Legendary Creature or a Legendary Permanent. The format is often multiplayer, with each Commander the focal point of the game.
The 15 Top Common Cards All MTG Players Need
Common cards are the backbone of MTG, and regardless if you’re a new player or a 20-year veteran, everyone needs good Common cards.
The Best Lands for Your Deck in Magic: The Gathering! Part 1 – Basics and the Duals
Everything you need to know about picking lands for your MTG deck! We look into Basic Lands, Dual Lands, Fetch Lands, and important decision points.
Ultimate Guide to Reaching Mythic Rank in MTG Arena Draft/Limited
Reaching Mythic rank on Limited formats is tougher because you are dealing with the unpredictability of deck building, in addition to all the other complexities of the game.
Competitive MTG is “All About Time and Practice” – Ju Yaqiong
Ju Yaqiong may not say much but she harbours a deep well of thought. She shares on the ugly side of competitive MTG, and how to get more women playing the game.
My Most Fun And Powerful Historic Deck in MTG Arena
What is the most fun and powerful Standard deck? It’s Azorius Flyers, because it’s cheap, fast, and handles a lot of meta and more expensive decks well.
Is The Cost of MTG Different in Other Countries? We Compare 7 Regions.
Cost of MTG does vary across countries and continents, but not as much as one might think. There are also strange pricing anomalies that don’t fit the economy.
The Best Flavour Texts Of All Time In MTG History
We’ve tried to pick out the best, coolest, and funniest flavour texts of all time in MTG’s history.