What do you do for work and play when you’re not casting spells and Planeswalking?
I work at ADDX as Head of Exchange Services. We are a trading platform for private investments such as hedge funds, real estate, etc.
Tell us about your Magic playing history. When and how did you start, what formats do you play?
I started back in high school around 4th Edition (1995). Then at 7th Edition (2001) I stopped for a while and when original Theros set was launched in 2013, a few friends picked it up and I started again. So as a result, I don’t have the card base for Modern so I play Standard sometimes but mostly Draft and Commander. FNM (Friday Night Magic) Draft was always fun for me in the store but unfortunately I haven’t done this in a while. So at the moment it is just commander, usually with a beer on the side at someone’s house.

How do you see the Commander format in the future – continue to drive the game’s design and popularity or it’s not meant to last?
I think it will last. It has a low barrier to get into for new players since you just need a single copy of a card. And there are enough variations to play. The non-competitive games are relaxing enough as well. They take the edge of competitiveness that exists more in other formats.
In your opinion, what are the ugliest aspects of the game (not necessarily about the gameplay)?
Probably poor losers. And obviously the high cost of some cards.
Not particularly ugly (well its ugly for my wallet) but the speed at which new sets are being released is way too high.
Have there been any good experiences from the local Magic community?
Oh yeah plenty. Singapore is great.
When I originally moved to Singapore I started at Bricks Play and I still go there even though its an hour commute, just cause the environment is great. (Editor’s note: it’s also one of the most conveniently located shops, as mention in our review of 18 local Magic shops!)
What cards would be in your very own “signature spell book?”
I’d probably go for some of the 4th Edition cards that I played as a kid. Think of Birds of paradise, Royal Assassin, Shivan dragon, Serra Angel, and Prodigal Sorcerer (might as well go 5 colours while I am at it 🙂

(Editor’s note: all classic art from the golden age of Magic!)
What’s your go-to Commander deck to have fun, one that is also a hidden gem?
I built a Marisi, Breaker of the Coil deck that has been fun. It is not very powerful as it has some gaps but I have a lot of fun with it. It is because this guy Arthur told me I dont attack enough cause I play stuff like Mill or Ping (killing an opponent with chip damage). So I built Marisi to make everyone else attack as well!